Reedy Lagoon Privacy Statement

1.0 Introduction
At Reedy Lagoon Corporation Limited ( "RLC", "the Company", "us" ,"we" ,"our" ) we are committed to safeguarding your privacy by ensuring your information is protected in a way that observes our own corporate values, as well as complying with the requirements of the National Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act (Cth) (1988), as amended (the "Act").

This Statement sets out our minimum procedures for safeguarding your privacy. Changes to this Statement will be posted to this website, so we encourage you to check this site from time to time.

2.0 Scope of Statement

This Statement applies to RLC and its subsidiary company.

Most organisations in Australia must comply with the 10 National Privacy Principles of the Act. The objective of the Privacy Act is to set a standard for protecting the privacy of all individuals. The National Privacy Principles and the requirements of them are explained in the detailed section of this statement, below.

3.0 Definitions
3.1 Personal Information
Your personal information includes details such as name, address, date of birth, contact details (such as phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses).

3.2 Sensitive Information
Sensitive information is a subset of personal information and by its "sensitive" nature may have the potential to be used to discriminate against someone. Therefore the recording of it has stricter requirements than other types of personal information.

Examples of sensitive information include but are not limited to personal information or opinions on your health, criminal records, sexual preferences, religion etc. Sensitive information can only be recorded if it is relevant to do so and with your consent.

4.0 RLC's Privacy Principles
4.1.1 Collection of Personal Information
( National Privacy Principle 1 )
Where you have requested a product or service, RLC collects your personal information where it is necessary primarily to identify you or your business entity and to assess and establish the product or service you have requested.

4.1.2 Your Rights and the Disclosure of Personal Information
You need not give personal information about yourself that may be requested by us to supply RLC products and services. However, without that information, RLC may not be able to provide you with the products or services you requested.

4.1.3 Use of Information
( National Privacy Principle 2 )
RLC collects your personal information and uses the information to provide products and services requested by you. RLC may use your personal information for related purposes, such as a credit agency reference, in accordance with the National Privacy Principles. Your personal information may also be used to complete internal business functions such as auditing, management reporting, research, product development and planning.

4.1.4 Disclosure of Information
( National Privacy Principle 2 )
RLC may disclose your personal information to:

1) organisations involved in maintaining, reviewing and developing our business systems;
2) organisations involved in a transfer of all or part of our assets or business;
3) organisations that carry out functions on RLC’S behalf. This may include, but not be limited to third party suppliers (such as our share registry provider), mailing houses, printers, call centres and other services providers we may use in the provision of secondary services. This may include, without limitation, external auditors, computer and information technology service providers for computer, internet, network distribution and related functions.

Although RLC undertakes its best endeavors to ensure your personal information is safeguarded in a manner consistent with its privacy policy and only used to carry out functions on its behalf we cannot accept liability for any misuse of your personal information by those organisations or individuals.

RLC may also use and disclose your personal information to complete business functions within RLC such as internal auditing, performance reporting, research, product development and planning.

4.1.5 Data Quality
( National Privacy Principle 3 )
We aim to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is, at all times, accurate, complete and up to date. You should advise us immediately when you become aware that any information we hold about you is incorrect or out of date. RLC undertakes to amend its records as soon as practical after it is advised subject to the validity of the request being confirmed.

4.1.6 Data Security
( National Privacy Principle 4 )
RLC will take steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access modification and disclosure. Your information may be stored in paper or electronic format. Security measures implemented with respect to RLC's IT systems will take account of internal and external recommendations, general industry practice and technological development in the provision of IT security services.

You may be able to access other non-RLC group websites via this website. These websites are not subject to our privacy standards, policies and procedures and your will therefore need to review these websites directly to determine their privacy standards, policies and procedures.

When using our internet services we may use "cookies" to ascertain product preferences and tailor future visits to the site to suit them. Most web browsers can be configured to not accept cookies, however the site functionality may be restricted as a result. Other than statistical information we do not collect information about you through our website other than where you provide it.

4.1.7 Openness to RLC’S Practices
( National Privacy Principle 5 )
RLC has developed a policy that outlines information handling practices. Information in this Statement gives you some insight into how we manage your personal information and your rights.

4.1.8 Access
( National Privacy Principle 6 )
You are entitled to access personal information we may hold about you. The type of information that you may request is your personal information as well as any comments, opinions and file notes that RLC holds about you. RLC will process your request within a reasonable time, generally 14 days for a straight forward request. However additional time may be needed depending on the nature of the request. There is no fee for lodging a request for personal information. However, RLC reserves the right to recover reasonable costs associated with processing the request. You will be advised the cost, if any, before we proceed. RLC is not required to provide you with access to your information in some cases ie where the law allows RLC to deny access. If RLC denies you access to your information you will be advised the reason why.

A request to access your personal information must be directed to the RLC Privacy Officer:

Officer: Geof Fethers
Telephone: (03) 8420 6280
Post: P.O. Box 2236, Richmond, VIC 3121

4.1.9 Correction
You may ask RLC at any time to correct personal information it holds about you. The Company undertakes to correct the information within a reasonable time provided it is satisfied as to the validity of the request being confirmed. If the validity of your request cannot be confirmed by RLC you will be advised that RLC has not acted on it and the reason why. If RLC disagrees with your request to correct information it holds, you have the right to request a statement be held with that information noting your disagreement.

4.1.11 Identifiers
( National Privacy Principle 7 )
In certain circumstances we are obliged to collect government identifiers which are unique numbers that a Commonwealth Government agency has assigned to you such as tax file numbers and Medicare numbers. We do not use or disclose this information other than when required or authorised by law.

4.1.12 Anonymity
( National Privacy Principle 8 )
In complying with the National Privacy Principles, RLC will allow its customers to interact anonymously wherever it is lawful and practical to do so.

4.1.13 Trans Border (overseas) Data Flows
( National Privacy Principle 9 )
Should you request a transaction or service where your personal information may be transferred to another country, your information may be transferred to a country that does not have the same privacy laws as Australia. This may occur in instances where you request an international telegraphic transfer where your name and account details may be divulged.

4.2.14 Sensitive Information
( National Privacy Principle 10 )
If it is necessary to record sensitive information (such as health related information), we must obtain your specific consent to collect that information. Sensitive information is generally not required for RLC products and services. You are entitled to access any information that we record.

5.0 Information required for Statutory Compliance Purposes
In addition to questions that RLC may ask to ensure general statutory compliance there may be special circumstances where the Company is required to seek additional information about you.

6.0 Further Information or Questions
The Company has a Privacy Officer appointed to manage, investigate, coordinate and respond to your inquiries, disputes lodged, information access and correction requests in accordance with RLC's procedures and the National Privacy Principles. All inquiries will be managed consistent with the National Privacy Principles and RLC's general procedures. The Privacy Officer will also provide you with contact details for the Privacy Commissioner if required where the Company is unable to resolve a dispute to your satisfaction. The Company's Privacy Officer can be contacted between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding national public holidays) by:

Officer: Geof Fethers
Telephone: (03) 8420 6280
Post: P.O. Box 2236, Richmond, VIC 3121